We prepare companies’ tax returns for filing with the Inland Revenue Department (IRD) on or before the due date, based on the financial data provided to us. We handle all related correspondence with the IRD.

Personal Income Tax Returns

We prepare personal income tax returns, including expatriates.

GCT Returns

We prepare monthly/bi-monthly General Consumption Tax returns and handle all correspondence with the Inland Revenue Department on behalf of our clients.

Quarterly Installments

We calculate and remit payments of quarterly installments of tax due and payable for the year of income.

Expatriate Payroll Taxes

We compute all statutory deductions for expatriate personnel.

Tax Registrations

We advise whether registration for tax purposes is required and make applications for registration for General Consumption Tax and Income Tax (PAYE).Taxation Planning

We advise on Tax exemptions, we advise on strategies to minimize and defer tax liabilities.

Double Taxation Treaties

We advise on opportunities to benefit from tax treaties.