COCN helps organisations face these challenges by providing support in the areas of HR Strategy and Planning, Performance Management, Talent Management and Leadership Development (including Executive Coaching).

More and more organisations are beginning to realise that in today’s environment, people are no longer content just to have a career – they want to create a life. They want a balance between work and home, alignment between what they do and who they are. They want free-market opportunity with care for the community and concern for the environment. They want purpose with rich implications. The personal ‘search for meaning’ is more urgent than ever. COCN supports its clients in the full range of attracting, motivating, retaining and developing their talent pool.

Attracting and retaining human capital has become even more important given the apparent skills crisis in our Country. There seems to be a strong and growing demand for talented professionals in many industries which is fast outstripping supply. It is clear, therefore, that organisations must enhance their focus on nurturing and developing human potential if they hope to hold on to their existing professionals and attract new ones. They must also amplify and extend the talents of their current employees.

COCN helps organisations face these challenges by providing support in the areas of Management Training, Talent Management, Leadership Development and Executive Coaching.

In our approach to these services, we focus on trying to connect individual visions and personal goals with business objectives. By engaging the emotions of employees and infusing their work with meaning and purpose, organisations will benefit from the most valuable contribution that people can make.

COCN is fully committed to assisting organisations in making it possible for people to achieve the goals they are passionate about. For organisations, this link provides a powerful factor in employee motivation, commitment and performance, which in turn fuels business results. For people, it gives the space to revitalise and build the story of their lives, for the good of themselves, their company and the people around them.