Change Management is the organised, systematic application of knowledge, tools and resources of change that provides organisations with key processes to achieve their strategic vision.

COCN recognises that change cannot be imposed or controlled from the top or from the outside. An organisation is a pattern of relationships. In particular, stories and conversations are the heart and soul of organisational life. The stories people tell reveal and shape their commitment to the organisation and their sense of what is possible. The quality of the everyday conversations and negotiations they have with each other and with customers will determine the quality of service and the effectiveness of the operation.

Change Management is the organised, systematic application of knowledge, tools, and resources of change that provides organisations with key processes to achieve their strategic vision.

Large-scale organisational change is notoriously difficult to carry out. We can reduce the uncertainty and trauma of major change by providing both a description of the destination – detailed modelling of how the organisation will look and function at the end of the change process, and by providing a route map of this process.

During the transformation, we help the managers address and reduce the fear of change that naturally exists in the teams and build trust and confidence.

Instead of imposing change, we work with people from all levels in the organisation to help them tell new, positive stories about what is possible and what can be done better. We help facilitate new kinds of conversation – often across boundaries within the organisation.

A few of the methodologies we use are: Appreciative Inquiry (AI), Culture Values Assessment and Alignment and Business Process Re-engineering