COCN is a provider of outsourced business services to local businesses and
overseas companies setting up in Jamaica.Realize BIG SAVINGS by reducing your Accounts and Information Technology Department. We provide cost effective solution for all your support services.


There are many reasons why you should consider outsourcing your financial back-office function to us, including:

By outsourcing non-core functions such as finance, you are able to focus on your core business and core competencies, thereby growing your business

  • Less dependence on internal resources
  • Access to wider experience and knowledge, and proactive and expert advice
  • Financial information delivered on time every month
  • Improve credibility and image by associating with an reputable supplier of outsourced services
  • Allow us to manage functions that are difficult to manage or out of control
  • Avoid the cost of setting up a finance department, including expensive software and technology costs, office space, employee and training costs
  • Avoid costs of non-compliance with regulatory requirements
  • Increase level of Service to Customers
  • Create newer products
  • Create newer markets and customers
  • Provide higher level service for customers


  • Web-based or desktop accounting,
  • Taxation Planning and Compliance Services
  • Financial Planning & Forcasting
  • Management Consultancy
  • Corporate Secretarial Services